Before applying to one of our programs, first learn about how we offer instruction, and determine whether a hybrid or fully online option works better for you. While the PPI M.S. is offered in a fully online format, the ADD M.S. can either be completed fully online, or as a hybrid program, with both online and in-person components. None of our programs can be completed fully in-person, as some required courses are only offered online.
Similarly, these programs differ from the Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD program; they are not research-focused, and coursework for the PPI or ADD programs will not count towards the Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD.

Current UW-Madison Students, 4+1 Pathway
Four-Plus-One Pathway to Professional Master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences
The direct path for UW–Madison STEM majors to quickly earn a professional master’s degree before entering the pharmaceutical industry. The Four Plus One Pathway in Pharmaceutical Sciences is for UW-Madison STEM majors who want to continue their Badger journey directly into the Pharmaceutical Sciences MS (named option Applied Drug Development or Psychoactive Pharmaceutical Investigation) making them more competitive when they enter the pharmaceutical industry. Four Plus One Pathway students can earn their professional master’s degree in 12 months at an accelerated pace. While earning your professional master’s degree, you can take coursework to specialize in particular areas such as drug development, project management, regulatory affairs and more. Our Pharmaceutical Sciences MS degrees are career-focused and provide you with the knowledge and abilities you need to compete for highly desirable jobs in your field. Blending science with professional skills, this degree within the top-ranked School of Pharmacy prepares you for a wide variety of careers in the pharmaceutical field. UW-Madison STEM majors apply to the Four Plus One Pathway to start either Fall or Spring semesters after they graduate. Admissions eligibility, deadlines and application information is found below per program: Students may proactively earn and apply up to 7 undergraduate coursework credits, according to the requirements set forth at Guide and in compliance with the Prior Coursework list below, toward the 30 credits for the MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences (either ADD or PPI), which allows them to earn a master’s degree in 12 months rather than 2 years. Students may request that the MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences program ( review other courses completed at UW-Madison for eligibility to count towards degree requirements. The courses listed below are pre-approved by the MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences program to count towards degree coursework requirements.ADD and PPI Program Courses with Pre-Approved Prior Coursework Options:
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PHM SCI 755: Laboratory and Instrumentation Methods
3 credits, ADD curriculum, may be satisfied by:
- BIOCHEM 551: Biochemical Methods (4 credits) or
- BMOLCHEM 504: Human Biochemistry Laboratory (3 credits) or
- CHEM 524: Chemical Instrumentation (3 credits) or
- CHEM 547: Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 credits) or
- CHEM 625: Separations in Chemical Analysis (3-credit version of course only) or
- The combination of the following two courses:
- GENETICS 545: Genetics Lab (2 credits) and
- PHM SCI 558: Lab Techniques in Pharmacology and Toxicology (2 credits)
PHARMACY 612: Legal Structures for Controlled Substances
1 credit, PPI curriculum, may be satisfied by:
- S&A PHM 611: Pharmacy Law and Regulation (2 credits)
PHARMACY 770 & 771: CNS Drug Designs, Actions, and Applications I & II
4 total credits, ADD and PPI curricula, may be satisfied by:
- The combination of the following three courses:
- PHMCOL-M/PHM SCI 521: Pharmacology I (3 credits) and
- PHM SCI 531: Medicinal Chemistry I (3 credits) and o PHM PRAC 555: Pharmacotherapy I (2 credits)
PHMCOL-M 781: Molecular and Cellular Principles in Pharmacology
4 credits, ADD curriculum, may be satisfied by:
- PHMCOL-M/PHM SCI 581: Molecular and Cellular Principles in Pharmacology (4 credits)
BMI/STAT 541: Introduction to Biostatistics
3 credits, ADD and PPI curricula, may be satisfied by:
- BMI/POP HLTH 551: Introduction to Biostatistics for Population Health (3 credits) or
- STAT/F&W ECOL/HORT 571: Statistical Methods for Bioscience I (4 credits)
- STAT/F&W ECOL/HORT 572: Statistical Methods for Bioscience II (4 credits)
ADD and PPI Program Courses Available to Undergraduates (Prior to Starting Graduate Program)
- BOTANY 474: Ethnobotany – 3 credits, PPI curriculum. Student must meet requisites as provided in UW Guide.
- PHM SCI 625: Toxicology I – 3 credits, ADD curriculum. Student must meet requisites as provided in UW Guide.
- PHM SCI 699: Advanced Independent Study – up to 3 credits, PPI curriculum. Requires instructor consent and program approval.
Ready to apply? Read more about what’s required for admission.
Information about MS admission:
- UW-Madison minimum requirements for all graduate students (applies to MS applicants)
- Program-specific admission requirements for ADD MS
- Program-specific admission requirements for PPI MS
- Admission requirements for ADD Capstone Certificate
- Admission requirements for PPI Capstone Certificate